Wednesday 7 April 2010

Censorship versus Freedom of Speech

With an election imminent here in the UK, I could have posted a blog about the importance of voting and using our democratic rights, however, I have chosen this morning to write about something far more insidious to our society - the abuse of the right to freedom of speech in this country.

I was appalled to learn that at the two most prestigious and historic universities in England: Oxford and Cambridge, that Islamic extremists have been allowed either to spout their anti-Semitic and hateful racism towards the state of Israel or disrupt and heckle Israeli speakers.

"Last month at Cambridge University, one of the two most prestigious
universities in England, Hamas activist, Azim Tamimi, an outspoken supporter of
terrorist activity, gave a highly inflammable lecture blasting Israel and her
existence in the Middle East, while students quietly took notes.
Last month
at Oxford University, second of the two most prestigious universities in
England, Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon began his lecture on
Israel’s narrative of the Middle East but was constantly interrupted and shouted
down with anti-Semitic remarks throughout his speech.
During the event hosted
by Oxford’s student body, Muslim hecklers continually disrupted Ayalon and one
protester screamed “Itbah al-Yahud” – “Kill the Jews” as college guards gently
moved him towards the exit after giving him time to say everything he had to say
- to much applause. The auditorium was stacked with pro-Palestinian protesters
who were determined that Ayalon not be heard."

(taken from

When does freedom of speech cross the line? When does it infringe upon our democratic right? When does censorship become necessary? Censorship is the act of deleting information that would be construed as offensive or threatening to the security of the sovereignty of a nation. The fact that known Palastinian terrorist sympathisers could be given a platform at one of the most influential and highly acclaimed universities in England to voice his outwardly anti-semitic and racist views is disheartening and outrageous. There are no democractic Islamic states in the world. All Islamic countries are totalitarian, yet fundamentalist and extremist muslims are allowed to abuse the right to freedom of speech in Western democractic nations such as America and the UK! This is a flagrant infringement upon our civil liberties and an abuse and exploitation of a democratic system.

Instead of protecting freedom of speech, the Oxbridge universities have passively condoned anti-semitic and pro-Palastinian/extremist Islamic views. This is unacceptable. We must defend freedom of speech within its proper civil and democratic framework, not allow this blatant abuse and exploitation. Representatives from Israel or Israelis should be allowed to have their voice heard in this country without the abuse and racism from the extremist Islamic community. I encourage everyone to not be deceived by the anti-Semitic and anti-Israel propaganda that whether through seruptitious means or means more open and brash have taken a stranglehold within some of the most prominent academic arenas of debate.

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