Last week I asked my year 8 PSHE class to list the 10 qualities they think a good role model should have. Their answers really inspired me. Here is the list they came up with collectively as a class:
1. Selfless
2. Independent
3. Commited
4. Sense of Humour
5. Determined
6. Talented
7. Content (as in at peace with themselves)
8. Creative
9. Kind
10. Fearless (as in standing up for their convictions and not being ashamed of what they believe in)
As I reflected upon these virtues while they were discussing them it struck me that these qualities closely reflect the character and nature of Jesus. The lesson had been about Role Models and the original activity had been about choosing their top 10 role models for modern Britain. This activity had not been entirely successful and so I adapted it to get the students engaged with the qualities of a good person, a person worthy of our respect and admiration. Many started to list relatives or friends that had come through adversity and shown tremendous inner strength.
Most, if not all, of those students are non-religious and know very little about Jesus or Christianity but it amazed me how they were able to recognise these qualities as virtues deserving of emulation and great respect. The students respected fidelity (hence commitment) as well as strength of convictions. Yet many of these qualities go against a lot of the modern youth culture of adultery, fornication and selfishness that is exhibited in soaps, films and music. If you were to ask the majority of students today whether they thought Jesus was still relevant then more than likely 9/10 they would respond negatively. However, unknowingly, the qualities of a good role model they listed can be found in the person of Jesus.
Jesus was selfless. Jesus even washed his disciples feet, an act of great humility usually seen as beneath the higher classes and given to the servants to perform (John 13:5). Jesus was fully committed to serving His heavenly Father's will. Jesus never acted on his own accord but did the will of God wherever he went. In Gethsemane, the night he was betrayed and arrested, he prayed "Not my will but your's be done" (Matt 26:39). Jesus did wonderfully and fantastic creative miracles such as turning water into wine, healing the blind and the crippled as well as walking on water and calming a storm. Jesus showed compassion and kindness to all people, even the outcasted and rejected from society such as tax-collectors and lepers. He treated women equally and chose apostles from all walks of life. Jesus fed the five thousand and the four thousand on separate occassions as an act of kindness so that the people would not go hungry who had travelled great distances to see him. Finally Jesus was utterly fearless; he confronted the religious hypocrisy and duplicity in the religious leaders of his day as well as rebuking the Devil in the wilderness when he tried to tempt him to sin. Jesus always stood for justice and right.
Jesus was the perfect human being: the greatest role model humanity could ever have. His example, miracles and teachings have guided, inspired and transformed peoples' lives for centuries. There is much prejudice towards Christianity in society today, Christians whether physically or ideologically are being persecuted the world over and Jesus' name and character are denegrated and mocked by many in the media as well as constantly blasphemed every day. This is such a tragedy when one studies the life of Jesus. Still today as it was the night of his arrest he is mocked, ridiculed and false witnesses have arisen bearing false testimony about him. Yet despite all the falsehood and falacies circulating our world regarding him; the truth about Jesus lives on and no-one can take away what his sacrifice accomplished on the cross.
As Easter approaches let us think and reflect upon the person of Jesus: role model, teacher and saviour.
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