Sunday 26 February 2012

The faithfulness of God

This has been quite an extraordinary week in many respects. Earlier this week I accepted an invitation to co-lead the 11-13 age group at our Summer Mission this year. I had received an email asking me to take over from the current leaders who are stepping down but had not replied because I was reluctant to take on further responsibilities to my burgeoning ministries. But when a friend of mine asked me for my help and explained she felt called to take over the group I was inspired by her vision and passion; I immediately said yes because I felt together God would use us. I then responded to the original email explaining our plan to co-lead the group, which set a whole series of wheels in motion as I was officially welcomed to the leadership of the Mission. However, it wasn't until tonight as I was speaking to another friend at church about these new developments that God opened my eyes and really showed me His faithfulness and purposes for me.

Last year when I went to Japan I believed I got a Word from God. I believed that God had given me a parable and gave me its meaning. It was the parable of the Ten Minas; a parable about faithfulness and reward. I felt God had given me this specific parable as an answer to my searching and my prayers. I wanted guidance regarding my future and whether or not God was calling me to full time mission in Japan. Using the parable of the Ten Minas God told me "not yet". My time had not yet come for me to move to Japan and there was still a purpose and a plan for me back home in Essex. I accepted this Word of Knowledge in faith and came home from Japan with a peace. Sadly in our busy day to day lives we can forget God's higher plans for us.

Yet tonight God graciously brought my current circumstances back into focus. Tonight I again felt that same sense of peace and reassurance that God was in control and that He was faithful to His promises. Tonight God proved once again that He is faithful and I am in no doubt about the parable He gave me last year in Japan. I know and trust that all God's plans for me will come to pass in my future and I can rest in the knowledge that God is faithful as proverbs says:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5

2012 is becoming a bigger and bigger year for me (or rather God's purposes for me) and I am so grateful that I have been given this awesome privilege to be used by God here in Essex. I am a servant of my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and know that Jesus will be glorified through my ministries. My ministries are a result of God's faithfulness and for His glory. I am so excited about making a difference in these young peoples lives this summer at the Mission and being given an amazing opportunity to share the Gospel. God is good and this year is going to be so special. I now must be faithful to my calling; I must be patient and wait on the Lord to answer my prayers and fulfill his purposes while continually being faithful to the ministries God has given me.


  1. Your journey with God is always a lovely one to read and be inspired from. Let's hope 2012 is a big and great year indeed, and for both of us, albeit in slightly different ways. :) Best of luck with the Summer Mission, even if I'm not aware of what exactly will happen there. I'm sure God will be there with you no matter what!

    A little off-topic, but since TheSouthtown is once again down, have you heard the new Demon Hunter song and if so, what did you think of it?

    Lastly a bit of self-promotion (sorry!): I recently made my first album review on YouTube and would greatly appreciate any kind of support as I'm looking to do more reviews later and hopefully improve as I go. The album I reviewed is P86's Songs To Burn Your Bridges By. You can find the link in my blog. ;)

    1. Hey Jon2 thanks for the comment; I've just checked out the new DH song and I got a good first impression; not sure how I'd describe it - thrash metal? Heavy metal? lyrically I loved it, Ryan has a great ability to state something bluntly while retaining its poetical subjectivity - if that makes sense? I think this will be a strong album from them if this song is anything to go by. I will check out your review on youtube when I have more time.
