Tuesday 16 August 2011

A Moment Suspended in Time

Well my adventure in Japan has come to an end. I arrived safely home after what seemed like an eternity in the sky flying first to Rome then connecting for my flight to London. Nevertheless I am grateful for intercontinental flights and what would have taken months a century ago now only takes a day! It's actually quite incredible when you think about it. Hurrey for aviation! My last week in Japan was not without incident; after my day in Kyoto the following day I was treated to a sushi lunch by a lovely elderly Japanese couple before going the following day to WEC HQ, an impressive large, old Japanese building where I spent time with Simon and Henrietta, a missionary couple just recently returned from Bible college in England. Simon gave me a copy of his Masters' thesis on Japanese house churches, which I read with much enthusiasm having determined in my own mind that house churches were potentially the way forward, not just for Japan but for Christianity in Britain too. We discussed his analysis, evaluation and conclusions of the effectiveness and relevance of the house church model to the situation in Japan, which I found both informative and stimulating.

Thursday was the start of the third and final camp back by Lake Biwa. This camp was called Friendship Camp and was focussed on adults in their twenties and thirties primarily. The first night we were there I got to meet a 24 year old Japanese man by the nickname of 'Sugi'. After the evening meeting in our small group we discussed the message, which was from Jesus' meeting with the Samaritan woman in John 4. The emphasis was on how encounters with others can define and reshape our lives. Sugi had been particularly challenged by the message as he had many issues going on in his life and struggled to believe God could forgive him. Through Peter who translated for me I shared what was on my heart for him after listening intently to his life story. Sugi seemed very grateful for my comments and insights and I felt compelled to physically hug him as he seemed in need of acceptance. I believe God was working powerfully in Sugi's life that night. The next morning he left the camp early before I had a chance to say goodbye. I reflected on how it was almost like a chance encounter with Sugi, but maybe our brief meeting together and the message he heard was all Sugi needed at that time.

Unfortunately my own camp experience was cut short after my feet and ankles started to swell up and I developed a red swollen rash on the right side of my body. Thinking initially it was just a mosquito bite I left it but gradually as the day progressed the swellings became more uncomfortable and sore until I had to recognise something more serious had happened. I went home with Peter on Friday night and went to hospital Saturday morning with Edi as the swelling and rash hadn't improved. The doctor thought it was caused by an insect bite and gave me an intravenous injection and a perscription for three days worth of medication. I was praying that God would heal me before my flight and others prayed too. I felt very reassured that I was covered by so much prayer and God really looked after me those last few days. Yesterday morning as I was due to get the train to Kansai airport, Peter informed me that he now could spare the time to go all the way to the airport with me and handle my luggage for me. I was incredibly grateful for his time and sacrifice.

The swelling hadn't gone completely by the time I was due to fly but had improved sufficiently that the flight didn't cause me any further problems. It wasn't the way I wanted to end my trip to Japan but I have no regrets about my time in Japan which was one of personal and spiritual growth, new experiences and new friendships. In so many ways it was a rich blessing to me and a challenge God enabled me to undertake on my own for the very first time. I returned to two very happy and relieved parents who were thankful I was back home safe.

I want to thank everyone in Japan who I befriended, it was a very special and exciting time. Will I return to Japan that most beautiful and enigmatic country? I would like to say most definitely yes. God is not finished with that country and neither am I! I felt I heard from God while I was there. These feelings and the scriptures I believe God used to speak to me I will continue to pray over and take before my pastors here at home, but I do believe my adventure in Japan is not completely over.

Thank you to everyone here in Britain and over the world who has been with me in prayer and been interceeding for Japan with me. Please pray that:

1. Sugi would encounter the risen Lord Jesus and know the love and restoration of a relationship with God.
2. The house church model would bear fruit and new believers in Japan
3. That I would settle back into life here in Essex and return to work and church with vigor and passion for God's Kingdom work here at home

...Oh one last thing the more observant readers of my last blog will have realised I made a mistake in my geography of Japan - I got the names of the islands mixed up and we were infact on Honshu island not Hokkaido! I was quite embarrassed when I realised after I had posted it and felt I needed to correct it.

"(Heavenly Father) I know you will complete this work started in me; I need you more than ever now that I know who you are" P.O.D. 'Portrait'


  1. Hey Ewen! :) First, I have to apologize for not really keeping up with your posts here. I did read this one and I have to say your trip to Japan sounds very inspiring. The country itself is one that I'd like to know more about, and maybe pay a visit there as well some day, whether in a spiritual manner or not. The concept of house churches is indeed fascinating. I'm not really a church person and so that sounds like a homely idea, literally. :P

    By the way, do you know what happened to TheSouthtown? I'm sure you know the link to the forums only gives error messages these days... I'm guessing it's another issue only the admins can take care of but there's none present to do that, I guess. Do you know if there's any other place where P.O.D. fans gather to talk? I'm not on Facebook (but I do have Twitter) so I'm concerned of getting all the info on the new album!

    Finally (I admit that this is the actual reason I came here)... I've arranged a poll in my blog for choosing the next Wicked Breath single/music video. I don't have the songs recorded yet but there are lyrics and MIDIs in my most recent post to give people an idea of their sound. I greatly appreciate any votes that are cast. :)

    I'd quote P.O.D. but I see you already did that. :P All the best and let God be your light. :)

  2. I thank you for commenting back to me and being my 7th voter, I assume! The news about the merch is definitely great to hear. Surely they will have the album out sooner or later, just have to keep hoping it's sooner. :P

    Blessings mate!

