Thursday 25 August 2011

Masterpiece Conspiracy

Israel stands on the brink of war! Next month the UN will vote whether or not to recognise a Palastinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital along the 1967 boarderlines. The proposal will take territory away from Israel, including the East section of Jerusalem, the ancient Jewish captial. This has had no news coverage on British television, although there is a helpful article about it on the bbc website:

The consequences of a UN recognised Palastinian state would most probably result in war as Israel would defend her territory by force if necessary. No doubt this would bring condemnation upon her by the international community and world's media. Ever since Israel was granted sovereignty in 1948 the Islamic world has sought its destruction. There have been numerous assaults on Israeli territory by the Arab world of the Middle East and there has ever only been a fragile peace between Israel and her neighbours. Even in peace time Israel has still had to contend with terrorist attacks from Gaza led by Hamas, supplied via underground tunnels from Egypt.

From Israel's ancient enemies of the Philistines and her exile in Bablyon, the destruction of Jerusalem at the hands of the Roman Empire, which led to the diaspora all across Europe in the second century, the Inquisition and martyrdom of the Middle Ages for being the 'Christ-killers', to the Holocaust of WWII; sadly Israel's history has been intrinsically linked with a history of anti-semitism. Whether through racial theory or religion the spirit of anti-semitism has raised its head in almost every century. But why?

I believe there is a very simple reason. In the Bible Israel is always identified in connection to God. The first commandment is:

"I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me." Exodus 20:2-3

Therefore a recognition of the sovereignty of Israel is also a recognition of the God of Israel - Yahweh. The Jews were a slave cast in ancient Egypt. An immigrant race forced into Egypt through famine in Israel, they multiplied until the Egyptian authorities decided to enslave them in order to control them. Four hundred years later and Moses led them back to Israel across the Sinai peninsula. For centuries the land of Israel was seen as the Holy Land by both Jews and Christians, the fateful Crusades evidence of the important link between Israel and the God of the Bible. Today Muslims claim Jerusalem as being one of their most holy sites. To the secular mind this has nothing to do with a recognition of the god of Islam, but historically the land of Israel has never been able to be separated from the claims of the major Abrahamic religions. Indeed even today Israel is the only democratic country in the Middle East and certainly a strengthed Palastinian state along 1967 boarderlines would be another Islamic state amongst the many other Islamic states of the Middle East. The Middle East view the land of Israel in religious terms.

Indeed one cannot truly understand the troubles with securing lasting peace in the Middle East unless they know the Bible. The West has become secularised ever since the Enlightenment of the 18th century. Science and reason have replaced religion in terms of world view and moral authority. However, secularism opposes the Biblical mandate that Israel has to the land precisely because it would be a recognition of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This God whom Neitzche declared was dead, the God whom Fraud said was a psychological crutch and the God whom Dawkin's says is an illusion. Therefore the modern state of Israel is wrenched from its ancient predecessor and denied its heritage in order to fabricate some other kind of justification for its existence, one which can be taken away from it by the changing of political winds. What the secular world will not admit is that it is embarrassed by the existence of Israel because no matter how hard it tries it can never truly detach it from the God whom established it (Genesis 17:8).

The denial of Israel as a covenant nation before God is the very same spirit that denies Jesus as the Christ. This is known in the Bible as the spirit of anti-Christ. How are the two connected? Because Jesus himself said:

"Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set. If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me." John 5:46

A denial of the God of Israel is a denial of Jesus. Satan is actively at work in this world blinding peoples' hearts and minds towards the God of Israel and is aggressively persecuting the Jewish people. Even in the Church Satan is at work, twisting its theology to deny that the covenant that God made with Israel is still valid. This is known as Replacement Theology - the belief that the modern state of Israel no longer has any scriptural connection to ancient Israel as God's chosen people. Replacement Theology is a distortion of Scripture. This is plain to see when one just examines the New Testament in its historical and theological context - see Romans 11. How could the Church be deceived? Because a house divided against itself cannot stand! This is Satan's purpose.

God made His first covenant with Israel in the Old Testament with Abraham, in a ritual in which he symbolically passed through as a torch (Genesis 15:17-18). Abraham did not participate in this ritual convenant signing, this is significant because it meant Abraham was then not able to break that covenant. It was an eternal covenant made by God himself. In the New Testament, after hundreds of years of prophesy, God made a second covenant with Israel through the person of Jesus Christ - the Son of God, the incarnation of God Himself. Jesus took the world's sin upon himself on the cross. Again the covenant was made by God Himself without any human mediators who could potentially break the said covenant. God cannot deny Himself or be unfaithful to His promises (2 Timothy 2:13).

The state of Israel and its future will have spiritual ramifications. It is unavoidable. Over the centuries there has been a spirit of anti-Christ at work that has manifested itself through anti-semitism, replacement theology and secularism. Do not be deceived.

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