Wednesday 15 September 2010

I will be light

As I walk this spiritual path, illuminated by the light of the Gospel, I have become far more conscious about our personal ministry we have as witnesses to our non-Christian colleagues, family and friends. I remember when I first felt called by God to serve him as a teenager; my perception of ministry was that it was something you needed qualifications for, and something you got paid for, even if it wasn’t very much! The curate of my church at the time tried to explain to me that I already had a ministry to my non-Christian friends at school, and even though I thought I had understood him, upon reflection I can see that only now am I beginning to realise the reality of that truth.

Naturally when I was younger I was more naïve to the ways of God and the calling each Christian is given as His witnesses on the earth. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how many times you read Scripture, it just doesn’t fully sink in. Yet just recently I have really been burdened for the lost. This burden to see souls saved for the Kingdom of God has led me to such a deeper understanding and insight into my personal ministry as a witness for the Gospel. For the first time in my life I truly feel a joy regarding this ministry. My workplace is my mission field, my colleagues are the people God has given me a heart to reach and I feel genuinely privileged to be in this position.

Jesus taught:

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything…” Matthew 5:13


"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house." Matthew 5:15

I am to be salt and light in this world. I am to reflect the light of Christ in my life and act as a moral preservative in this spiritually decaying world. The world is in a state of decay: morally and spiritually. There is a moral vacuum left by our secular humanism in this country, which is causing spiritual atrophy and decay. Yet God has called each of His children to be His faithful servants to stem the haemorrhaging that is causing society to bleed to death. In order to do this we need to be connected to God. In order to be salt and light, without fading or losing our preserving power we need to stay connected to God through His Spirit, meditation on His Word and through prayer.

Again Jesus says:

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit…” John 15:5

I have also come to realise how vitally important prayer is. I have never considered myself an intercessor before. Nor have I always been consistent in my prayer life. Too often good intentions have fallen by the way side and my enthusiasm and energy for prayer has waned. Yet I have come to view prayer as a joy; I am glad to pray, because I know that with God nothing is impossible. I know that when I lack wisdom, courage or strength in my witness that God will provide. I have peace of mind that although I may not, by myself, have the power or the means to save anyone, God does! Paul explains in Philippians 4:4-6:

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

I do not have to shoulder the responsibility of salvation; I could not possibly carry that burden. God knows this. I just have to be faithful in the task God has given me – to be a witness; a shining light in this world.

Therefore I want to encourage you, if you are a Christian, to rejoice in prayer for the lost, to witness enthusiastically with the wisdom and courage God provides through His Holy Spirit and to seek first God’s Kingdom. As the Jewish musician Matisyahu sings in the title track to his album ‘Light’:

“We have one tiny moment in time for life to shine, to shine, to burn away the darkness, only one tiny moment in time… so I will be light.”

How will you choose to live your life? Will you take up the call to be salt and light, to be an intercessor for this world; for your workplace, family or friends? Or will you coast through life, your spiritual edge blunted by society, your salt lost and your faith dull, tepid and lukewarm? It is a joy and privilege to witness to the Kingdom of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is our calling, which every Christian has been given. Most importantly it is real. Do you believe that? Do you believe God can use you to make a difference to our society? Have you faith in the God who is greater than the problem? Do not lose hope.

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