Saturday 15 May 2010

Straight Edge

I have chosen to identify myself as a straight edge Christian. What does that mean? Well firstly for any Christians who are unfamiliar with straight edge reading this I have not joined some cult, neither does my identifying myself with straight edge mean I am committing idolatry in some way or shape.

Straight Edge is a lifestyle that I have come to respect and as it closely parallels my own in so many ways I have taken the easy step in associating myself with it. Straight Edge is a drug, alcohol and cigarette free lifestyle. The lifestyle originally started in the early 1980s hardcore music scene in America. Young people with a passion for heavy music began to see the folly in the licentious, decadent and hedonistic drug and alcohol fuelled lifestyle of the hardcore music scene and decided to make a stand. They chose, as the symbol of their new lifestyle, the black X, which they wore upon their hands. This symbol was an ironic inversion of the mark used to stamp people too young to buy alcohol in America.

Over the decades of the late 20th century Straight Edge for some has also come to involve abstaining from casual sex and vegetarianism. This is not a requisite for all straight edge followers but many whilst having pre-marital sex only do so within a committed relationship between two straight edgers whereby the emphasis is on love.

Like many subcultures Straight Edge has spread to other spheres and not just its association with the hardcore music scene. For example one prominent straight edge figure currently is the WWE wrestler CM Punk, who professes a straight edge lifestyle and is currently the leader of a wrestling faction called the straight edge society, where he frequently evangelises to the audience.
Although many of the values professed within Straight Edge are akin to those found in many religions Straight Edge itself is not a religious movement. Adherents to the straight edge lifestyle do not need to be religious and in fact many straight edgers are against religion, taking a rather Marxist line that religion acts like a drug to its followers as the - "the opium of the masses". Again, however, this aspect of straight edge is personal to the individual and not a requisite of the lifestyle.
However, as a Christian metalhead I have seen and respected the many similarities I have with the straight edge lifestyle and despite the grievances that some straight edgers may have, in wishing straight edge to remain an entirely secular affair I believe it is not incompatible with my faith. The fact that this movement has so many Christian like values in it is something to be commended. The fact that many young people today follow a straight edge lifestyle of their own free will and volition and not because of any religious upbringing is to be admired and respected. That is why I see no conflict in being a Christian and choosing to associate yourself with Straight Edge.
Obviously, my admiration and respect for the straight edge lifestyle should in no way come before my faith in God, but as a Christian whose own values so closely mirror those of the straight edge lifestyle I don't see that will be the case. On the other hand there is one potential vice/sin that all straight edgers are vulnerable to and that is pride. I must make sure that I never become prideful for choosing a clean lifestyle. It is not a sin to drink alcohol or even smoke. I must never confuse the values of the two. I do not condemn any Christian or secular person for drinking or smoking, however I believe it is healthier not to. This is a personal decision I have made for my life.

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