Sunday 1 April 2012

My P.O.D. Easter playlist

P.O.D.’s music has become an intrinsic part of my spirituality – music is powerful and has the potential to be used positively to make a difference in this world. P.O.D. understands that power and true to themselves and their faith has consistently produced positive, life affirming and spiritually uplifting music. This week is Holy week, an important time of reflection and contemplation as we approach Good Friday and remember Jesus’ supreme sacrifice. Here is a list of my particular favourite P.O.D. tracks to help me focus on the meaning of Easter:
          Youth of the Nation (album Satellite) – this song was written to address the tragedy of teenage deaths and laments the suffering that young people experience. It’s a song that reminds us of the importance of showing our loved ones just how much they mean to us and that the pain we feel in this life points us to something beyond what we can see. It is also comforting to know that Jesus is a suffering saviour and went to the cross, enduring the torture and humiliation so He can completely relate to our pain.  

     “There’s gotta be more to life than this; there’s gotta be more to everything I thought exists.”

     Change the World (album Payable on Death) – this song is about the power of love and the beauty and simplicity of love. The song is an affirmation of the transformative effects of loving others regardless of race, religion or creed. Jesus’ crucifixion is God’s supreme act of love for humanity (John 3:16); a love that we should seek to emulate.  

    “Imagine a place only your soul can vision. The heart of a child who looks, sees and listens. She paints a picture using every colour and what she sees, she sees it like no other.”


      Goodbye for Now (album Testify)  – this song looks forward in hope to the blessedness of salvation and eternal life with God. The song was inspired lyrically by Psalm 30. Jesus’ sacrifice brings joy and salvation.  

     “If joy really comes in the morning time then I’ll sit back and wait until the next sunrise.”


         Set your eyes to Zion (album the Fundamental Elements of Southtown) – this song is a call to look to Heaven and place our trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sin. The song itself draws heavily from P.O.D.’s love of reggae music and creates an uplifting and chilled out vibe.  

     “I’ve begun to search of one, giver of life, I and I recognize; to be with You, forever I’ll be with You, in paradise, Zion I set my eyes.”


      One Day (album B.R.O.W.N) – this song is about the deep need we have for God and the hunger to be filled with God in our lives. It is a song about the spiritual longing to be satisfied and transformed into the people God originally intended us to be. The song is a heartfelt cry to God and is very intimate and personal in tone. When we reflect upon the cross we see our spiritual need that it is by grace alone that we are saved (Ephesians 2:1). 

     “I can’t see the light because it blinds me, try to forget but my past always reminds me. Exposed, looked on by eyes of grace, I’m so ashamed, don’t look at my face... Get up by your strength, I rise up to Thee, but I’ll stay on my face, if You will of me.”

      If it wasn’t for You (album Warriors EP II) – this song is a statement of faith. It is direct and straight to the point. It is a confession of everything the band stand for, bold and unashamed. This song is not only spiritually edifying and empowering but it is also an important reminder that life begins and ends with Jesus.  

    “If it wasn’t for you none of this would ever mean a thing.”


      Full Color (album B.R.O.W.N) – this song is basically lead vocalist and song writer Sonny Sandoval’s testimony of how he came to faith at the death of his mother, who suffered from terminal cancer when he was a teenager. It is a profoundly personal song that speaks of heartbreak and love as well as hope in the resurrection and being reunited. The title full color refers to the stark reality of death, with which he was confronted with for the very first time through his mother’s passing. It serves as a reminder of the cost of our salvation that Jesus had to die for our sins to be forgiven.  

     “You showed me how strong you could be, if Jesus saved your life, could he do it for me? I’ll lay down my life for you and for Him. Believe God’s promise, I’m gonna see you again.”

      Alive (album Satellite) – this song speaks of the joy of salvation and the feeling of being alive in the total sense of the term. It is a positive song that resonates strongly with me, both because it was the first P.O.D. song I ever heard but also because of the wonderful truth that Jesus brings everlasting life.  

     “I, I feel so alive for the very first time; I can’t deny You I feel so alive. I, I feel so alive for the very first time and I think I can fly!”


Preach (album B.R.O.W.N) –The song is in defiance to our secular culture that attempts to keep religion in the private sphere away from public life. Easter is a time when the Gospel needs to be shared with people and Christians should proudly declare where their faith lies, as Paul says in Romans 10:17 “Consequently faith comes through hearing the message…”. 

“I ain’t down, you preach too much but if you ask me boy I don’t preach enough!”


      Shine with Me (album When Angels & Serpents Dance) – this song is about being light – reflecting the light of Christ in our lives. Ultimately Jesus’ sacrifice leads us into new life and we should take on the characteristics of our saviour as our old life has passed away and we are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17). As Paul says in Philippians 2:15 we are to: “shine among them like stars in the night sky.”  

      “And if the heavens should open up, with a vision inside Jah love, the earth and the moon and the sun will align with the voice from the sky above, one love.”


  1. Fantastic playlist you got there, and nicely thought descriptions too. :) Having heard On Fire and Lost In Forever, I'm sure that the new album is going to have at least a few lyrically and musically beautiful songs just like these.

    Happy Easter!

  2. thanks Jon - I'm getting very excited about the new album, the boys are shooting a new video at the moment so wheels are in motion!!! :-D Have a great Easter God bless
