Thursday 21 July 2011


This time tomorrow this Essex made punk is going to be on a plane half way across the world! I thought I would start my travel journal tonight - it seemed only appropriate, after all every journey has a beginning... every march starts with just one small step. Today has been a hectic and very productive day: this morning I took a trip up to Colchester to get my hair cut and buy some last minute essentials such as workboots, dust mask and goggles for my trip to Tohoku to help with the earthquake relief work. It was only confirmed yesterday that I would be able to join a team to the area. We are expecting to be there for 5 days in the first week in August. With my hair feeling refreshingly shorter and my equipment I headed back to Clacton only to go straight to the bank and then onto the post office to exchange my precious pound sterling for Japanese Yen. Not travelling abroad a lot this was an amusing little escapade, it felt strange walking home with 120,000 Yen in my pocket!

With my money and my eticket printed off all that was left to do was pack - into my suitcase went a strange combination of summer wear including shorts and t-shirts and certain supplies that every good builder worth his salt should have! Anyone would think I am bipolar looking at its content...either that or a very chilled out bricky! Lastly the final task that no self respecting twenty something holiday maker should forget...putting music on my ipod classic (old skool I know!).

So with my ipod suitably loaded with my favourite worship artists (who knows what sort of music I'll encounter in Japanese churches or at their missions!!!) all that's left to do is wait. That and watch hollyoaks! It's one of the only times I get to spend quality bonding time with my sister LOL. I will try my best to post an update at the end of every week.

"emptied of myself I fell to the ground. Slowly through the destruction came a single quiet voice and the breath of His words consumed the night and brought strength I have never felt on my own and He held me up until I could walk again and promised to stay by my side forever." - Zao 'March'

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