Sunday 30 January 2011

After God's Own Heart

There are many different ideas about what or who God is. Some people deny his existence completely whilst other people believe He is a kindly grandfather figure who spoils us and never punishes us; yet others see Him as a vengeful fire breathing, lightning bolt throwing Zeus type of character. The world is replete with deists, theists, atheists, agnostics, polytheists, pantheists and everything inbetween.

But who really is God and how can we know His true heart? This is a question I have been meditating on recently. At work I have been teaching both Buddhism and Humanism in REP. Both value systems are commendable in their own right and at the same time flawed. Buddhists believe the answers lie within ourselves and we should strive to reach enlightenment in order to overcome the suffering in this world caused by ignorance and desire. Humanism triumphs the good in human nature and strives towards creating a better world and a more caring and compassionate society. Yet whilst elements of both philosophies are in keeping with God's heart, neither acknowledge Him.

For the humanist the nonexistence of God is conspicuous by His absence from human tragedy and crises. If God existed why does He allow suffering? Yet there is an irony to the Humanists logic, one which may or may not be lost on them. For the Humanist 'God' was merely a 'pokey medieval world view' when people lived in scientific ignorance. God therefore was always a 'God of the gaps' and after sufficient scientific exploration and discovery became unnecessary as an explanation for the world. Yet for all the benevolent discoveries and advancements in science that have helped make this world a better place, there have also been nightmarishly malevolent creations that have brought death, disease and suffering. Weapons such as the nuclear bomb, napalm and chemical warfare. The base chemicals and ingredients used in Medicine which is used to cure and to heal has also been corrupted to be used for illegal drugs that cause the user to become physically and psychologically dependent, often with horrific and tragic consequences socially. For all the good in human nature there is an evil.

Will Humanists ever succeed in making the world a better place? They may take an optimistic view of human nature, but there is no escaping from the fact that in human history atheism has led rise to many great and terrible evils such as Facism and Communism. 6 Million Jews died during WWII at the hands of the Nazis, even more Russians died at the hands of Stalin during the Great Purges and his reign of terror in the USSR. The Humanist may ask where was God? But can they face up to the fact that at its worst atheism leads to the attitude that human life is expendable and certain ideologies rip through the very fabric of morality and human society. What is the Humanists answer to the inhumane suffering caused by man to man? Are we not responsible? If we are sentient beings with a conscience then surely we are culpable and indeed guilty. Morality detached from its Divine origin will ultimately fail. Like the Joker said to Batman in the film the Dark Knight:

"their morality is like a bad joke; they're only as good as the world allows them to be. When the chips are down, they will tear each other apart - you'll see!"

Besides which Humanists state their is no scientific proof that God exists yet their rejection of God based on human suffering is an emotional response. Hardly scientific.

Morality for Buddhists is governed not by flawed man but by Karma. An invisible, unconscious law of the universe. At its simplist it is cause and effect. For every good deed it will be repaid in kind as well as every bad deed. This has great implications for reincarnation. Someone who has led a bad life will return in the next life in a lower state. Someone who has led a good life will return closer to achieving enlightenment. But whilst the physical universe is governed by the laws of nature; how can human life also be governed by a moral law. Morality does not conform to physical laws. Our morality is guided by our consciences. If our consciences are intune with what is right and wrong then it will be reflected in our morality - our views on what is ethical and our desire for justice and compassion. For Buddhists yet again the answer lies within humanity itself. Enlightenment is what is needed. Ignorance is the great enemy.

But if for example someone was to be reborn an animal because they lived a corrupted and degenerate life; how is that person, or life force, ever to achieve enlightenment? Animals do not have consciences; they are not guided by morality; animals are instinctual beings. How then is Karma to govern their actions? To a Buddhist continual rebirths would be damnation. They strive to enter into the state of Nirvana where they have transcended the laws of Karma and broken the cycle of rebirth. Yet a vast majority of the world will be lost. This seems even more cruel than the criticism made by many that Christianity promotes hell and damnation by a capricious and unloving God. But that is simply not true and a complete misunderstanding of the character and person of God. The Bible teaches that God wishes none to perish but that all would have eternal life. Again the Bible teaches that for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever should believe in Him should not perish but have eternal life! God is Just and Merciful.

Ignorance is our enemy. But not specifically in the way Buddhists believe it to be so. Ignorance of sin is what causes so much damage to the world and human suffering. Ignorance of sin and ignorance of the Devil. Humanity is caught in a web of lies spun by the Devil that has led to idolatry in a myriad of forms. Idolatry to false religions and to false gods; even idolatry to our very selves, as well as the things of this world - food, fashion, sport, sex, money etc. We do not have a right perspective of God because the world is not of God. Only through the outpouring of God's Holy Spirit can we understand the things of God - who He is and His character. By faith in Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection can we be united with God. For without God morality is merely a fascade, a fragile membrane that holds society together. For without God's Holy Spirit revealing to us God's Son, Jesus Christ there can be no enlightenment and no salvation.

God is a jealous God. God is jealous for His Holy name. That means He is both angered and heartbroken by the idolatry of this world. But God is also jealous in His love for humanity. God desires above all else that we reciprocate His love and enter into a relationship with us. If you are a Christian reading this are you aware of God's passionate jealousy for His Holy name? Are we praying for the lost? Those trapped into idolatry and false religions? Do we have a passion for the Holiness of God born of His Spirit? There will be more on this to come...

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