Friday 20 August 2010

Turning vision into reality

Coming off of the back of the Frinton Mission I really felt the desire to continue using whatever gifts God has given me for His glory! Not only have I become involved with the youth work at my Church but I also began to write lyrics in worship to God. I really felt the power of praise and song during the Mission and I decided I wanted to turn my hand to writing lyrics. After giving this desire over to God and asking Him to bless it I found lyrics just flowing from my mind as I typed at my PC. After I had several lyrics written I found myself feeling dissatisfied that they may potentially be left saved in a word document on my computer. So I text a couple of friends who led worship and asked if they would like to meet up and take a look at my lyrics. This was the start.

Soon I believe God gave me a vision for where this process could lead: suddenly from these humble lyrics I was envisioning the entire worship band at Church collaborating on the music to create something special - something that could be sung on a Sunday evening at our contemporary service but also something that could transcend the Church itself. Then I was contacted by a member of the worship band; he wanted to read my lyrics. I met with him and showed him the lyrics. We shared our hopes and dreams regarding the creative direction of the Church and after feeling that we shared a common vision, prayed God's blessing and direction over it. I left the lyrics with him so that he could put some demos together.

This process has only just begun but I am so excited and animated within my spirit to think about how mightily for His Kingdom God could use this music. The goal is to create a creative forum whereby music and lyrics can be shared and collaborated upon with the intention of using in our evening services. To write and play our own music, with God's vision for us as a Church is what we seek to do. Then only God knows where it may lead, but if successful we want to share this music with others.

I have been meditating upon two things recently:
1. Worship is a lifestyle, not a genre
2. God is the visionary, we just have to catch a glimpse of the vision

For with God nothing is impossible and I want to continue to dream big that big things may come of them!

Monday 9 August 2010

No ordinary life!

I have just completed my very first Frinton Mission - 8 days of intensive youth ministry: it was a fantastic experience! Over the week God moved in some truly amazing ways: in my team, our teenagers, as well as the older group too. There have been young people coming to faith, baptisms, the giving and receiving of spiritual gifts, healings and deliverance! I was blessed to work with some awesome people, many of whom are uni undergraduates, people who love life and have such tremendous love for our Saviour God!

I felt my own faith and spirit refreshed over the course of the week as we held workshops, talent contests and dramas with the young people of our age group as well as sharing with them the message of the Gospel. It was an exhilerating feeling and a privilege to share in God's Kingdom work in Frinton. The chemistry and friendship of our leadership team was excellent and I've made many new friends as well as sharing in some powerful spiritual experiences: of intimate worship of God, of praise and meditation upon His grace, love, mercy and awesome wonder.

In many ways I am sad the week had to end but I have come away with so many great memories and a real sense of challenge to take the good news into my work place, my family and with my friends. I don't want to lose the passion I have had during the mission and will pray that over the next year, I remain true to my faith, my witness and my evangelism. I also feel that this mission has opened a door into further youth work in the future. I am excited in a way I never was before to work with these young people, to show them the saving power and grace of God and show them the love of Christ.

This is no ordinary life...Hallalujah that the life lived for Jesus is truly extraordinary. There is no going back!